I have mentioned a few steps below:

Step One
Calculate when your period is due. If you have a regular cycle and you keep track of it, a late period is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy.

Step Two
Notice any other changes in your body. Are you extremely sleepy? Are your breasts tender? Are you moody? Though sometimes subtle, these changes can be clear indicators.

Step Three
Buy a home pregnancy test at a pharmacy or grocery store, or online. Choose one with two tests per box so you can double-check your results.

Step Four
Test after you miss a period, or 14 days after you think you conceived.

Step Five
Read and follow the test instructions carefully. Some tell you to urinate in a cup; others say to urinate right on the test stick.

Step Six
If the test is positive, make an appointment with your doctor to confirm with other tests and a physical exam.

Step Seven
Retest after a few days if the test is negative and you still suspect that you're pregnant.

Do the test first thing in the morning, when hormone concentrations are highest.

Home tests claim to be 97 percent accurate. When there are mistakes, they're usually false negatives; false positives are very rare.


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